Saturday, April 21, 2012

Meal Plan Monday – On Saturday

Hi ya!  It looks like my “planning out our meals for the week” has bumped from Sunday up to Friday.  So, here I am.  Posting our family’s cooking plan for the week.  Notice I said “our family’s”?  Yep!  I’ve been gradually trying to teach the kids a little about the kitchen.  I’ve always been a “no one in the kitchen while I’m cooking!” Mom.  Don’t have to worry about little ones getting burned that way.  Now that they are older (15 and 11) I think it’s time to start learning at least some basics.  Otherwise, when they move out they’ll still be home every night for dinner!  *shivers*  lol

So here’s our plan for this week:

Saturday (tonight)


Tonight was the Mr’s choice.  He chose:
Chili Mac (yea, hamburger helper. bluh…)
Grilled Cheese


Sunday (family night)

This night is designated family night.  ALL MEMBERS must dine AT THE TABLE, and be PRESENT.  No cell phones, no hand held game thingys.  Us. Food. Together.


Tuna Patties
Mashed Potatoes
Mac n cheese

Monday (Sis’s night)

This is going to be Sis’s first attempt at cooking for the family.  She has chosen oven foods, since that’s what we are learning.  How to use the oven, use the timer, read directions, etc…

Chicken Fries
French Fries

I’m not a big French fry fan, so I will be having salad.  I will of course eat a few chicken fries, so I can tell her how awesome of a cook she is, but salad will be my main meal. lol.

Tuesday (Bub’s night)

Brandon assisted in making hamburgers last week, so this week he wanted to attempt them alone.  So he will be cooking


again, not a fan of fries and I cant handle white bread so I will be having “faux fry”, with one of the patties he cooks, so I can tell him how awesome he is at the cooking.


Stir Fry
Egg Rolls



Oven Fried Chicken 
Mashed Potatoes
Baked Beans
Corn on the Cob
Mac n Cheese


Celebrating another great week of school w/no detentions, completed chores, and the kids successfully cooking…

Build your own PIZZA night



Do you plan your weeks cooking ahead of time?  I do.  On Sunday Friday morning I sit down in my office and I plan out what we are going to eat all week.

Meal planning for me, really, is pretty easy.  My Mr. works a weird shift at work that rotates so he is only home for dinner a few nights per week.  Those nights I try to cook a NICE meal with the trimmings.  I mean, he works hard and he deserves it.

On the nights Mr. C isn’t home, I still cook, but those meals are more KID FRIENDLY.  Anything to lessen the amount of whining I have to listen to – WORKS.  lol…

Once I have my “loose” menu made (because lets be honest here…sometimes I just don’t feel like making what’s on the list!), I head upstairs to check the pantry and fridge and make out my grocery list for the week.

Mr C likes to go shopping at like 3am when there is NO ONE in their right (or wrong) mind at Wal-Mart.  Since he is used to being up all night anyway, and I hate to go to Wal-Mart this works for us.  Plus, he seems to spend a lot less when he goes shopping with my list – than we do when I go shopping with my list. LOL!

So what’s on your menu for this week?

Monday, April 9, 2012

MEAL PLAN MONDAY: Apr 9th, 2012

Sorry I haven’t posted in this section in a while.  We’ve been kind of in a food rut lately, seems silly to just keep posting the same things over and over again.   In truth, I am thinking about merging this section in with my personal blog to make the site a little easier to navigate.  Haven’t really made up my mind about it though.



Build your own PIZZA night


Ravioli/Spaghetti Night (I let the kids choose and they boil their own noodles)
Garlic Toast


    Mr C is grilling!


    Mashed tators
    Corn on the cob



    Probably will be left overs


    I have not planned the weekend out yet.  We were on a really tight budget this week, so we’ll have to go back to the store Friday for sure, unless we just have like  - Macaroni for dinner.  LOL  I really need to focus on restocking our deepfreeze (which is COMPLETELY EMPTY), and getting some staples back in the pantry.  When we had that big storm a year or two ago and didn’t have power for a week, we lost a LOT of groceries.  I’ve been kind of leary of refilling the deep freeze since then.  We clearly need to start using it again though, We seem to be able to only get about 7 days worth of food in our house freezer.



    Do you plan your weeks cooking ahead of time?  I do.  On Sunday morning I sit down in my office and I plan out what we are going to eat all week.

    Meal planning for me, really, is pretty easy.  My Mr. works a weird shift at work that rotates so he is only home for dinner a few nights per week.  Those nights I try to cook a NICE meal with the trimmings.  I mean, he works hard and he deserves it.

    On the nights Mr. C isn’t home, I still cook, but those meals are more KID FRIENDLY.  Anything to lessen the amount of whining I have to listen to – WORKS.  lol…

    Once I have my “loose” menu made (because lets be honest here…sometimes I just don’t feel like making what’s on the list!), I head upstairs to check the pantry and fridge and make out my grocery list for the week.

    Mr C likes to go shopping at like 3am when there is NO ONE in their right (or wrong) mind at Wal-Mart.  Since he is used to being up all night anyway, and I hate to go to Wal-Mart this works for us.  Plus, he seems to spend a lot less when he goes shopping with my list – than we do when I go shopping with my list. LOL!

    So what’s on my menu for this week?