Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Well, Mr C is on the big VACAY this week so it’s all about cookin’ for my man!  Here’s my plan for this week.


Was Halloween, we ate out.


  • Turkey Breast Roast  <3
  • steamed potatoes (best bakers you’ll ever eat!)
  • corn on the cob
  • rolls
  • gravy





  • fend for yourself night (everyone will probably do pizzas)


  • Make your own taco/burrito night




At some point I will be working in a pumpkin pie, since I’ve been wanting one for over a week.  Mr C has requested Ugly Snowman Cheeseball  so he will have something yummy to snack on all week, so I will be making that here in a bit.  I’ll also be making him a cheesecake on Sunday.  *phew*



Do you plan your weeks cooking ahead of time?  I do.  On Sunday morning I sit down in my office and I plan out what we are going to eat all week.

Meal planning for me, really, is pretty easy.  My Mr. works a weird shift at work that rotates so he is only home for dinner a few nights per week.  Those nights I try to cook a NICE meal with the trimmings.  I mean, he works hard and he deserves it.

On the nights Mr. C isn’t home, I still cook, but those meals are more KID FRIENDLY.  Anything to lessen the amount of whining I have to listen to – WORKS.  lol…

Once I have my “loose” menu made (because lets be honest here…sometimes I just don’t feel like making what’s on the list!), I head upstairs to check the pantry and fridge and make out my grocery list for the week.

Mr C likes to go shopping at like 3am when there is NO ONE in their right (or wrong) mind at Wal-Mart.  Since he is used to being up all night anyway, and I hate to go to Wal-Mart this works for us.  Plus, he seems to spend a lot less when he goes shopping with my list – than we do when I go shopping with my list. LOL!

So what’s on my menu for this week?